Ron McKinnon MP
Coquitlam — Port Coquitlam
42nd 43rd 44th Parliaments
This is a personal soapbox upon which to comment on a variety of topics, often political, of interest to me.As a Liberal MP, it should be emphasized that the views herein expressed are my own and do NOT necessarily represent the views of the Liberal Party of Canada, its leadership, nor of the Liberal Parliamentary Caucus.
Tag Archives: Police Powers
No Blank Cheques
Regarding my support for an Amnesty International petition for a public inquiry into G20 security, Mary Alice commmnted in Facebook as follows: This needs more explanation — Whose freedoms? whose securities? Right to protest peaceably, yes. Rights to vandalize, infiltrating … Continue reading
Posted in Law and Order
Tagged Amnesty International, Call for Public Inquiry, Freedom, Illegal Detainment, Illegal Search, Liberal Party, Police Powers, Rights Links, Toronto G20
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